Case Study
A Newcastle hospital found that the 3 x 4.5 MW generators it relied on to provide backup power were becoming unserviceable owing to outdated and obsolete component parts. The generator engines were in good working order so there was no need to replace them, but the control systems had to be replaced to ensure power reliability.
The generators supported the main energy centre for the hospital and therefore the project had to be carefully planned and flawlessly executed to ensure the site had access to full backup power at all times
Experienced Project Managers at Dale sequenced the project in great detail
A temporary modification was made to allow 2 generator units to feed the load, whilst the third was being worked on. This process was then repeated until all systems had been updated
A flawless sequence ensured the project was successful
The site was successfully powered down, the update delivered to all 3 generators and then the hospital generator system brought back into full operation.
There was no loss of power throughout the project delivery
The 8-year-old outdated controllers were replaced with up-to-date serviceable technology
The generators are fully serviceable