At Dale Power Solutions, we are committed to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace where every employee has the opportunity to thrive.
At Dale Power Solutions, we are committed to creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace where every employee has the opportunity to thrive. We believe in transparency, and that includes sharing insights about our gender pay gap and the measures we are taking to ensure fairness across our organization.
Understanding the Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap is the difference in average earnings between men and women across a workforce. This metric is not the same as equal pay, which refers to men and women being paid the same for performing the same or equivalent work. While equal pay is a legal requirement, the gender pay gap sheds light on broader issues of representation and progression within the company.
Our Current Status
Our Commitment Moving Forward
Reducing the gender pay gap is an ongoing process. We are committed to continuously reviewing our practices, gathering feedback, and implementing changes that promote a culture of equality and fairness.
We will update this page annually with the latest figures and progress to keep our stakeholders informed about our journey toward closing the gender pay gap.